America Restored is an “action-driven” conglomeration of patriots with a mission to see our country restored to our founder’s original intent.

Your Weekly Update and Action Items:

This Week's Updates:

  1. 1.Facing mandates and threats at work?
    A practical guide to Employer Injection Ultimatums
  2. In case you missed it!
    Last week's email alert included BOMBSHELL revelations about how ALL our voting technology is connected and owned by one corporation with many different names: OPTECH
  3. We can't trust our hospitals!
    Are you experiencing COVID symptoms? We are partnering with our friend Clay Clark to bring you a step-by-step guide to avoid complications.  It's information your local doctors or hospital won't tell you an it could save your life. How to not die from COVID-19
  4. AMERICANS, Allies, and Christians Are STILL Trapped in Afghanistan!
    Just because the media has moved on, doesn't mean that We The People will ignore the crisis in Afghanistan. America Restored is leading the way by actively coordinating resources with senior level intelligence officials on the ground to rescue those the Biden administration left behind. Go to for information on how we can continue to partner together to SAVE LIVES.

This Week's Action Items:

  1. We the People needs to use our #1LoudVoice and call our Congresspeople to OPPOSE VACCINE MANDATES.
  2. Forward this email to every patriot you know!
  3. Partner with America Restored. Now is not the time to sit back.  NO ONE IS COMING TO SAVE US.  Please get off the bench and get in the game and TOGETHER we will take our country back!